So far, May has been one big bull run for most NFT projects on the Internet Computer. I’m going to count down the top 10, so be sure to stick around until the end of the article to find out which IC NFT project experienced an explosive 347% floor price increase this month!
#10 DfinityGangs
According to the DfinityGangs team, nearly half the collection that is in circulation is now staked on CCC. Excitement over staking and the actual start of the process have resulted in nearly half of the NFTs on the secondary market disappearing. The floor price of the collection is up 16% this week to 2.45 ICP. However, the increase over the last three weeks is 37% in total, and that was enough to make my top 10 for the month.
#9 Ikuzo
Ikuzo has been dripping sneak previews of their female Ikuzo collection, which is going to be airdropped to holders at a rate of one for every three male Ikuzo NFTs a person is holding. This reversed a downward trend in the collection’s floor price, and it resulted in a 43% increase last week from 2.1 ICP to 3 ICP. That places them at number nine on the countdown and gets public sale collectors a lot closer to the 4 ICP they paid in the mint.

#8 Poked Bots
Poked bots and DSCVR have joined forces for automated holder verification. To verify, you have to connect your wallet holding bots to your DSCVR account (in settings) and then go to the Holder Verification channel on the Poked Studio discord. Follow the instructions to link your account, and you get the holder role automatically. You will need this role if you hope to burn Gen1 bots for Gen2 bots. In the meantime, the Poked bots floor is up 23% to 24.5 ICP this week. The floor price is up a total of 44% for the month.
#7 PODs
According to distrikt, there will eventually be 10,000 PODs. In the meantime, people are clamoring over the 2,102 in circulation while they wait for the next round of airdrops. The floor price of PODs has been up week over week since launch. So while the 15% increase to 17.2 ICP in the past week is modest, the collection floor is up a whopping 45% over the past month.

#6 MoonWalkers
MoonWalkers announced in their discord that the project would be rebranding, the website launch is coming up, they will be announcing their gaming use case and their first two games, plus there is a huge partnership that will be related to their game. The news that big announcements are coming was enough to keep the bull run going for the MoonWalkers. The floor price has been up for four consecutive weeks and rose 37% this week alone to 18.48 ICP. The total increase for the past month is 64%.
#5 ETH Butterfly
ETH Butterfly has been a different project from the start. With no Discord and a listing price of 4 ICP for the public sale, there was little excitement and few sales. Then the market started to pick up and the team pivoted by dropping the price to just 1 ICP. Within days the project sold out. They got the rarities listed on, and it has been all up ever since. Last week the floor price jumped 68% from 0.59 ICP to 0.99 ICP, which means that anyone who minted at 1 ICP on the public sale is practically even. It’s a great recovery story from a project that seemed to be dead on arrival at launch.

#4Dragon Boots
VRSTL’s Dragon Boots was one of the few projects to sell out instantly during the two-month downturn in the NFT market. The floor price of 37 ICP for a project that minted at 8 ICP was already impressive, but the launch of a second collection from VRSTL has given renewed life to the Dragon Boots as well. The floor price is up to 86% this week to 69 ICP, and the floor is up 92% for the month.
#3 Drip Bang
That’s right – VRSTL has two projects back-to-back on the top 10! Coming in at number 3, the Drip Bang floor price has doubled since last week from 39.5 ICP to 79 ICP. That means anyone who minted in the private sale for 9.99 ICP is up 691% in just three weeks! I’m looking forward to seeing what else VRSTL has in store now that the IC NFT market is showing clear signs of recovery. Will the grenades go off and reveal new NFTs? Will we get another limited-edition collection? Is there an extensive collection coming up to onboard more people into what is currently a very exclusive community? Only time will tell what Jin Maa has up his sleeve.

#2 IC Bucks
First, there was the delisting competition that drove the number of NFTs on the market down from 2733 to 1386 in under a month. Then there were previews of Egido Val’s next art collection and the announcement that Bucks holders would receive an airdrop. That was enough for four consecutive weeks of floor price increases. This week alone, the floor price jumped 27% from 1.65 ICP to 2.09 ICP. But if you consider the fact that just three weeks ago, the floor price was less than the mint price of 0.9 ICP, you can see the explosive growth that took place. In all, the collection is up 143% for the month of May, and anyone who minted is back in the green.
#1 D-City
You’ve made it to the top floor price increase for the month of May, and it’s D-City! When you look at the current floor price of the collection (21.77 ICP), it’s hard to believe that these were ever trading at just 4.94 ICP, let alone a month ago. The floor price is up 32% in the past week alone and a massive 341% over the past month. Announcements, a preview video (that got retweeted by Dom himself), and a functional demo have propelled this project to new all-time highs week over week in May.

That’s all for this special edition of my weekly Internet Computer NFT market update. I hope you enjoyed the top 10 list and have been successful in your trading these past few weeks. See you next time!
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