Editorial Guidelines for Contributors

Editorial Guidelines for Contributors

All contributors to our site, Coinhustle, must receive an invitation to the following:

  • CoinHustle Ghost- drafts can be uploaded here ready for editorial approval, structuring, and creatives to be added

If you are invited to become part of our contributor team, you will need to join:

  • Our Discord community group is where we plan and discuss content, ideas, and strategy
  • Our Asana group where everything is managed and tasks are delegated

Who are we, and what is our mission?

CoinHustke is the biggest Internet Computer Community. We are constantly growing to spread the word about the technological marvel of the Internet Computer and how this decentralized internet will power web 3.0 and the next generation of dApps.

Consequently, we expect our contributors to be Internet Computer enthusiasts. It will be helpful if you can do some background reading about the project and what it stands for, and you can do that by simply reading the articles that have been written on our website (linked above).

We are particularly looking for people who can help to educate our community through our ICP Squad Learn initiative.

We are currently working on Tech Guides, Internet Computer Basics, and How to Guides in this space. Still, more topics and areas of exploration will be added as the ecosystem evolves.

Contributor benefits

We offer free editorial and structural improvements so that your article, once published, looks beautiful and is free of any grammatical or stylistic errors.

Your work will also be exposed to multiple social media platforms and published on our website, and of course, it will be credited to you. You will need to create a short 2-3 sentence bio on the ghost CoinHustke website where you will post your drafts, as well as a photo/avatar.

You can also expand your online influence and presence as part of the writers' team.

General guidelines for writing for us:

  • Choose your own topic which suits your background and confirm your choice with the Editor in Chief (Dan) or the Managing Editor (Sunny). Make sure it is pertinent and related to the Internet Computer.
  • Try to teach people about something you’ve learned about and are passionate about regarding the Internet Computer.
  • Examples might be dApps, user experience, scaling, tech, nodes, and so on.
  • Ensure that what you are writing about hasn’t been covered before. Refer to both the drafts in the ghost drafts as well as our published articles on the website.
  • Do your research and ask what kinds of narratives are circulating on social media regarding the Internet Computer.

Ask yourself: How might the wider community feel about these issues- is your article likely to get much readership?

What are contentious or challenging issues related to the Internet Computer worth your time and deeper analysis?

What is your own point of view regarding what you are writing about? Can you provide evidence to support it?

*Please remember that the foundation is DFINITY (in all caps), the token is ICP, and the platform is the Internet Computer. Please use only these terms when writing for us, instead of IC, for example.

What makes a readable article?


  • Craft a shrewd headline that pulls in the reader. Self-interest (how development might affect the price is a good example here), news, or curiosity are good ways to pique people’s curiosity.
  • Remember to use Title Case- capitalize all significant words.
  • Avoid writing a title that you would think ‘so what about if you were the reader. If you were scrolling through Twitter, would you want to read it?
  • Avoid creating clickbait-style articles.

Introductory paragraph:

Good introductory paragraphs set out what the article is going to examine. It often posts a question that will be answered in due course, thus keeping the reader interested and reading.

  • It must be clear what the reader will learn.
  • Keep sentences concise and use visual language with plenty of adjectives and adverbs.


A good example of the type of layout we are looking for can be seen here.

Note in particular the great visuals, hyperlinks, punchy paragraphs and call to action.

Please create backlinks in your article!

We want to increase engagement with all of our articles, so whether you do this in different stages of the article, or you simply write 'related articles' and link a few articles that are similar or at least the same tag, like 'learn' or 'interviews' etc. is up to you. This will also help to drive up SEO ranking on our site and ensure that all of our articles gain more exposure.

A call to action

Ask readers to engage with your work, and to share it. Drive traffic to areas of interest, such as CoinHustle and DFINITY and partner initiatives.

SEO Friendly

Content created with SEO in mind is important because it allows for far greater outreach.

In brief, content creation with SEO in mind can be based on 3 steps:

1. Perform Keyword Research & Determine Your Topic

2. Develop Your Outline & Format for Optimal Readability

3. Stick to Your Topic & Target Keyword

4. Include Backlinks Throughout Your Content

Actionable marketer Heidi Cohen describes the content as:

“High quality, useful information that conveys a story presented in a contextually relevant manner with the goal of soliciting an emotion or engagement. Delivered live or asynchronously, content can be expressed using a variety of formats including text, images, video, audio, and/or presentations.”

Social Triggers founder Derek Halpern says:

“Content comes in any form (audio, text, video), and it informs, entertains, enlightens, or teaches the people who consume it.”

Google helps us to understand its own algorithmic definition of useful content that is optimized:


Share sources and your credentials- why should people listen to you? Who are you, and what do you know about this issue? What qualifies you to educate others about it? What evidence have you discovered to corroborate what you have written?

Try to tag other closely related articles written by others within the DC community. This will help us to grow through SEO rankings.

We look forward to having you as part of the team or even as a one-time contributor.

For further information contact:


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